It is no doubt that the development of young minds, and ultimately our future, is a big business. Corporate child cares are flooding the market and creating what they think are “the best” opportunities for children. At the end of the day, these corporate and franchise childcares put the implementation of the business plan first rather than what is truly important – the child and their successful development. The franchise and big corporate child cares put on big colorful shows with wall hangings, hand outs for parents and exciting bold web sites – but the program for the child doesn’t lie within any of those features of a business.
The program is in the people.
The teachers who are there because they love to be.
The parents who value a program with a strong educational philosophy and practice.
Most importantly the leaders of the business. The most successful child care programs I have seen have a partnership where one lives and breathes best practices for children, and the other lives and breathes building and sustaining a business.
I have a seen a school run solely as a business, and I have seen businesses fail because they only focus on the education.
In all aspects of life, it is best to find a good balance and “walk the line”. Take the most important aspects from both extreme views and come to a middle ground.
Ms. Rohini brings the passion for the child and Montessori foundation, and Rusty ensures all the nitty gritty details of the business are in tip-top shape.
This is why we thrive.