Summer is the perfect time to incorporate Montessori principles at home. You can tap into your child’s interests while spending quality time together. North American Montessori Center shares practical ideas you can use: Here are just a few suggestions that you can easily incorporate into your summer lifestyle Math Play cards, string a necklace…
Concrete to Abstract Reasoning
One of the most exciting aspects of our Montessori classroom is that it brings abstract concepts to life in a manner that is fun and makes sense to the children. Concepts such as length, diameter, temperature, tone, texture, quantity and more are presented using specific materials to isolate the quality. Children use concrete educational materials…
Math Lessons in our Montessori Classroom
Math begins not with writing numbers, but with hands-on sensorial experiences that build foundational math concepts. Activities such as the number rods, spindle boxes and short bead stair exercise counting, sorting, classifying, ordering, weighing and measuring. After these practical lessons, then quantities and symbols for numbers are represented on paper and practiced in many forms,…