Fundamental to the Montessori classroom, and more valuable than academic lessons, are the lessons which help children learn social strategies. These strategies help navigate friendships and collaboration with others, benefitting children throughout their life. Grace and courtesy is an integral part of the Montessori curriculum beginning in the early childhood classroom and continuing through the…
Montessori Conflict Resolution
Conflict can be one of the best teaching tools! It is in the moment of conflict that children experience real emotions. With patience and practice, these social situations can lend themselves to magical opportunities to develop problem solving skills. It is second nature for an adult to step in when children are arguing. In a…
Making a difference
The opportunity to watch a child develop their social, cognitive, and/or problem solving skills is one that we as educators do not take lightly. It is the gift that we do not take for granted. Some days seem like many others, but on those extra special occasions when we see a child open up and…
Keeping Young Minds and Bodies Healthy
With the hustle and bustle of everyday responsibilities, sometimes making healthy choices for our children’s lunches can be a challenge, especially with limited time. With fast and convenient options like Uncrustables, Lunchables, Go-Gurts and the like, kids today are taking in excess sugar in the middle of the day when their minds and bodies need…
Classroom Community
My most cherished times during the school day are those observing the classrooms. I often have a particular focus area such as the flow of activities, child interaction, or similar objective. Regardless of my intent, it never ceases to amaze me of the cooperation and compassion of children. It is a thing of beauty to…
The eyes of a child
The things he sees are not just remembered; they form a part of his soul. — Maria Montessori
Bring Montessori Home this Summer
Summer is the perfect time to incorporate Montessori principles at home. You can tap into your child’s interests while spending quality time together. North American Montessori Center shares practical ideas you can use: Here are just a few suggestions that you can easily incorporate into your summer lifestyle Math Play cards, string a necklace…
Summer is for Learning
Learning doesn’t stop because “school is out”. Just the opposite, summer is the perfect time for a relaxed and creative approach to enhancing a child’s learning experience. Adults and children both can benefit from flexible routines, purposeful play and exploring new outdoor environments together. Our Montessori Summer Camp sprinkles in a little geography, music and…
Montessori Environment: Purposeful + Prepared
Contribution by Sandra D’Amico The prepared Montessori environment is designed purposely to promote independent learning and exploration. This calm, well-ordered environment stimulates movement and activity. Children are free to choose and work on activities at their own pace. Here, they experience a combination of freedom and self-discipline as guided by the environment. The principles of…
Exploring the World – One Sense at a Time
Maria Montessori studied children in their environment. She observed that children with physical disabilities limiting one or more of their senses were able to sharpen their remaining senses in order to take in information. She took that knowledge and designed the Montessori classroom and its rich sensory experiences. She purposely intended for each Montessori material…