Collaboration is such an important facet of the Montessori classroom. On any given day, you could witness our younger friends paired up with their eagerly awaiting Elementary counterparts to learn from their expertise. Recently, our Elementary Students have been clamoring at the opportunity to be a reading buddy to our Kindergarten friends. This is a…
Friendships Formed
We often wonder why it is that many friendships cannot withstand the test of time or distance, and a Montessori school may provide the answer with its multi-age classrooms and children at different stages of growth and learning who interact on a daily basis. These children have been able to forge friendships that last. Older…
Tribute to Vinny
I quietly watch the rain today and can only think of the Wildgen family (Bill, Mary, sister Darian, brother Mathew) and their delightful young, Vinny; a bright light, so full of hope and wonder. I imagine how their home must seem so empty, so strange…I can’t help crying. Our sweet Vinny, courageous, curios, clever and…
Our school classrooms are bustling little communities of learners, not only sharing a common space but also developing a special bond. It warms my heart observing how naturally the children take responsibility for each other and are genuinely concerned about others’ welfare. “May I help?” is a regular question we hear each day. Community is…
One Classroom: One Community
Maria Montessori said, ” It is interesting to see how little by little, these children become aware of forming a community which behaves as such….Once they have reached this level, the children no longer act thoughtlessly, but put the group first and try to succeed for its benefit.” Our children placed a boy named Vinny…
Home & School Connection
Bridging the gap between home and school benefits your child, your family, and the school community. The many parent opportunities at BMS, RMS and SMS allow you to be part of the school, meet your child’s classmates and to stay informed. The recent Parent Teach-In was extremely rewarding for the children bringing new experiences to…
Learning From Dolls
Today a parent returned from Brazil and brought us the most lovely native doll from there to add to our hundred something doll collection. We are running out of space in our curio set as our doll population surges. From the doll guards of the Buckingham palace to the Kimono adorned dolls of Japan, to…