We often wonder why it is that many friendships cannot withstand the test of time or distance, and a Montessori school may provide the answer with its multi-age classrooms and children at different stages of growth and learning who interact on a daily basis. These children have been able to forge friendships that last. Older children are thrilled that they are able to mentor the younger children of their class and the little ones look up in awe at their suave, confident and knowledgeable, older classmates.
For many of these children, a bond is formed, starting from a relationship of interdependence to one of independent worker and ‘proud big brother/sister’. This relationship in many instances, extends beyond their classrooms. Many Montessori children who live in the same community gravitate to each other for evening play and ‘hanging out’, as the picture shows. Even the parents get in on the act as their circle of friends grow.
The Montessori schools, such as ours, help to break down the barriers to friendship by showing our children how to work together, help each other and to be proud of all the achievements, not just our own. Starting young helps our children to value each other and lends itself to a greater understanding and acceptance of the fact that without each other, the world would be a more daunting place to live in.